
Tonight I sat in a meeting with seven other amazing women who love Jesus and we ironed out details for next week's women's retreat - Girlfriend Getaway!  Girlfriend Getaway (GFG) is a retreat designed for women of all denominations and ages, as an time to be refreshed and restored in the Lord.  I wrote about it earlier this month, when I invited you to JOIN us!

The is the fifth season of GFG, and each year the theme is different.  This year the title is "First Things First: Becoming Better Balanced."

I love that I never know exactly what Cindy is going to teach about.  She gives us the general guidelines of each session, in order for those of us planning to chose thematic music and just be prepared for what God is doing in her heart, and eventually ours.

Honestly, I'm a little nervous about hearing this topic because I KNOW my priorities are whacked.  I know the ratio of prayer to Netflix is way out of proportion.  I know I am not always a great steward of my time.  But I also know Cindy will deliver truth in love and if I'm already feeling a little bit of conviction about the topic, God definitely has some work to do in my heart.

First things first...I am going to wrap up this post and go spend some time with my hubby.  First things first... I am going to pop out of bed earlier and start my day off the right way (quiet, coffee, Bible) and not be the last one to roll out of bed.  First things first... I am going to bring my concerns to the feet of Jesus instead of calling and texting and airing my concerns and grievances to social media as my first line of defense.

If you're interest in joining me at the Girlfriend Getaway Conference next Saturday, November 8, registration is open until Monday at midnight.  Visit for registration or more info.  Tell me if you're coming - I'll save you a seat.



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